Like I promised in a few post back, here’s a portrait of my wife Mindy at nine months of pregnancy. She’s due any day. Mindy is carrying my world, my children. Love you babe!!

Mother Earth
Like I promised in a few post back, here’s a portrait of my wife Mindy at nine months of pregnancy. She’s due any day. Mindy is carrying my world, my children. Love you babe!!
Mother Earth
by Edric Morales
Vida - That’s so cool! Really great idea.
Kirsten - Very interesting take on a prego session. Never seen it before and I like the symbolism!
Teresa K - What a great concept. She’s soooooo ready to pop!!
Daniel Dunlap - Awesome idea!
Noelle - You said “children”- is there more than one she is carrying?! Congratulations!