This engagement session with Tyrina and Ron was just too much fun! I know for a fact that they were really looking forward for this shoot. Ron would call me multiple time talking about it and how excited they are. That really makes me appreciate my job even more. Seeing what images could mean to a couple is priceless. We decided to do the shoot at sunrise. On my way there I was not being so good and I got pulled over for speeding. Now the honest truth is that I was trying to beat the sun. Ron and Tyrina actually suggested that we reschedule the session. I said ” No way!! We’ve been waiting too long for this day”. And the session went on to be an amazing set of images. There is one word that can describe this shoot….. Hotness!!
by Edric Morales
Katie - too bad about the ticket, but amazing photos, nonetheless!
the lighting is great [especially off the waves] and what a stunning couple!
Erin Lassahn - The basketball shots are so fun! Love the piggy back black and white shot!
Thomas Lester - They look very happy together. Great use of negative space in some of those shots! Great set.
Ron Large Sr - The engagement session truely captured the love I have for Tyrina. The slide show and pictures were even more than I imagined. The slide show fire background was awesome. Tyrina liked the song so much that she wants it played at our wedding. Edric has a true talent of finding a simple spot and making it something special. There were pictures taken that we didnt even know were being tooken. Edric captured our everyday life together and put it on film! The day started off bad ,when Edric called to tell me that he was pulled over for speeding He wasnt late I was just early. I honestly believe that I was more upset than he was. Hes a true proffesional. There were non stop laughs and fun the entire morning. Behind the camera not captured on film Edric went far behond the call of duty, for example the lake pictures. Edric was soaken wet from being in the lake with us. He even had a photo shoot emediately after ours. Tyrina and I are so grateful to have Edric as part of our wedding.
Edric Morales - Thanks Ron!! I’m glad to be part of your day! I cannot wait till next year.
Alan Hutchison - What Ron said sums it all up – great work.
Lara Eichhorn - I think the light looks great. I love the eighth one down, after the fire helmet shot. They look sweet there.
Rhys - Um, YES! Love where she’s rocking the fireman’s jacket; her expression just kills me.
Edric Morales - Hey Lara, that’s my favorite shot too 🙂