Ok, so many people like the photos of Armand a few days ago. But they kept asking me to post some of Tabatha. So here it is, she was fully awake and in a great mood. I took advantage of beautiful sunshine coming thru the windows.
They are so beautiful and, my oh my, what hair they have! congratulations to mommy and daddy morales!!
I can’t wait to see them, everyone at the Mongo is so excited for you two, wait four!!! Simply adorable!! I love you guys!
Well, my kids are now a little over a week old. My wife and myself have enjoyed every moment of it. Sure they keep us up at night but it is all very much rewarding. It’s funny to see how much they have grown in a week! I love being a dad and being off […]
by Edric Morales
Kristi Wright - She is so beautiful!
Edric Morales - Isn’t she 🙂
Robb Duncan - These are beautiful, makes me feel all mushy inside, we have a little one due to arrive in 5 weeks.