Tag Archives: autumn

Autumn has to be one of my favorite season to shoot in. One thing is that the temperature is just right, not too cold and not too hot, just perfect. The colors are breathtaking, which translates to an amazing photography session when you add a great couple to the equation. The location for this engagement […]

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  • October 26, 2012 - 7:49 pm

    Laura Malto - GREAT pictures!ReplyCancel

  • October 26, 2012 - 7:53 pm

    Jennie Carter - Congratulations !!!! I’m so happy for you both. Beautiful pictures of a lovely couple.ReplyCancel

  • October 26, 2012 - 8:18 pm

    Rose Fox Gillet - Great photos of a beautiful couple!ReplyCancel

  • April 21, 2013 - 8:21 am

    Christopher Tripp - I am so happy for the two of you! May GOD watch over the two of you and bring you closer together each and everyday and always keep in mind what you mean to one another and never take one another for granted! Last, my mother gave me this advice when I married, Never go to sleep at night angry at one another, communication is key!ReplyCancel

  • October 26, 2012 - 8:26 pm

    Debbie Holik - Rose, she looks just like you! She’s beautiful! Oh yes, he’s handsome, beautiful pictures!ReplyCancel

  • October 27, 2012 - 12:42 am

    Jennie Lehman Carter - Congratulations !!!! I’m so happy for you both.ReplyCancel

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